Forest Science for Sustainable Development of Forests25 Years of Forestry of the Republic of Srpska -

Forest Science for Sustainable Development of Forests
25 Years of Forestry of the Republic of Srpska

December 7 - 9, 2017.

Exploration of underground structures with geophysical - seismic methods

1. Blagica Doneva, University of Goce Delcev, Faculty of natural and technical sciences, Macedonia
2. Todor Delipetrov, Faculty of natural and technical sciences, Macedonia
3. Marjan Delipetrev, University of Goce Delcev, Faculty of natural and technical sciences, Macedonia
4. Krsto Blazev, University of Goce Delcev, Faculty of natural and technical sciences, Macedonia
5. Gorgi Dimov, University of Goce Delcev, Faculty of natural and technical sciences, Macedonia

Seismic explorations are based on registration of seismic refraction and reflection of the elastic waves. In the processed geophysical data, obtained during the investigations of the archaeological site "Skupi", seismic explorations were conducted in combination of refraction and reflection. But, this paper presents the results only from refraction method. During the research, the application of seismic methods is performed using measurement technique slalom by placing more geophones along the investigated area. Slalom technique is based on registration of the generated elastic waves which spread through the researched area in the setted geophones. Using the moment of registration of elastic waves in a geophone, by adjusting the time it can be assumed as a source of new elastic wave, which with further registration modeling the characteristics of the investigated terrain where it is placed. Through this technique with one generation of elastic waves are produced seismic models for each geophone, and for each subsequent decreases the depth of examination, because it cuts the measuring length of recording of the elastic waves.

Key words:
refraction,underground structures,archaeological site

Thematic field:
Geological activities and economics of mineral-raw material complex

Date of abstract submission:

7th Balkan Mining Congress

Final paper

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