Forest Science for Sustainable Development of Forests25 Years of Forestry of the Republic of Srpska -

Forest Science for Sustainable Development of Forests
25 Years of Forestry of the Republic of Srpska

December 7 - 9, 2017.

Hydraulic transport of mineral resources from the underground coal mine “Vitoliste”

1. Strase Manevski, Macedonia
2. Zoran Despodov, University of Goce Delcev, Faculty of natural and technical sciences, Macedonia
3. Vladimir Manevski, Macedonia
4. Todor Delipetrov, Faculty of natural and technical sciences, Macedonia

The underground coal mine researched in the scientific paper “Vitoliste” has geological reserves of around 60 million tons of lignite and is located on nearly 30 km from the power plant located near the coal mine Suvodol. The hydraulic transport of mineral resources is a complex technical operation that requires various technical and technological parameters in order to optimize the design, execution and the integration of the system in function of the projected exploitation and technical process of the coal mine. According to that in the scientific research are taken in consideration the process parameters (hydraulic parameters of the fluid, optimization of the granulation and concentration of the mineral resource), the mechanical components of the system (the transporting route of the system and defining the adequate pumps and the number of pump stations), as well as the economic factors of the transporting system (investment and the operative expenses ).

Key words:
hydraulic transport,underground mine,transporting system

Thematic field:
The exploitation of mineral resources and mining technological processes

Date of abstract submission:

7th Balkan Mining Congress

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